Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pattern roundup: fingerless mitts – Part I

It feels like fall here all of a sudden, and I’m in the mood for warm-hands projects. Fingerless mitts are the perfect thing for people with (1) attention spans too short to finish sweaters or even a second sock (knitting a pair of mitts is like knitting one sock) and (2) an addiction to picking up “just one ball” of whatever yarn looks irresistible at the moment. They’re a great way to try a new-to-you knitting technique or an expensive luxury yarn, and easy to carry with you wherever you like to knit. They’re perfect for cold morning walks or typing in a chilly office – and they make great gifts for anyone and everyone.

It all started with Fetching, published in Knitty in 2006. More than 15,000 pairs have been knitted and uploaded as Ravelry projects. Now there are thousands of fingerless mitt patterns on Ravelry. More than 1400 of them are free (click here to see them all and do your own browsing – not all my picks are free, though). I’m breaking up this roundup of my favorites into four posts. Today, my picks for mitts with texture. (Photos are Ravelry screen shots – live links below each picture.)
mitts-texture1 First row: Seeta, Zephyr, and Goya. Second row: River Road, Get a Grip, and Mm-m-malabrigo Mitts.
mitts-texture3 First row: Green Thumb, Very Terhi, Smockies. Second row: Glorious Cabled Mitts, Zigzag Mitts, Hands of Blue.

Left column: Aegean Mitts, Kyla, Twist Mitts.

Right column: Sideways Gansey Style Mitts (worked flat), Larus + Ardea (featuring twined knitting), Peridot.
And for good measure, Entwined, Half Mitts with Viking-inspired Cables, and Dual Cable Fingerless Gloves.
mitts-texture4 Hooked? For fellowship and inspiration, go join the Fingerless Glove Fanatics on Ravelry. Coming Tuesday: mitts in color.


  1. So glad that you're doing a review of fingerless mitts. I'm in the market for knitting myself up a pair. They're perfect for fall in Wisconsin.

  2. Love, love, love this service. I always discover new patterns after visiting your blog.
